Complementary Therapy


Massage / Reflexology Therapy
Service Activities:
One-to-one massage sessions delivered by a qualified and experienced therapist. Massage can be delivered at peoples’ homes or at one of 3 local centres.
**Referrals made via SystmOne MCMW**

W10 6SB

Delivered by: Action Disability Kensington & Chelsea
Where we work: Queen’s Park & Paddington, Kensington & Chelsea

Arts in the Community
Service Activities:
Six-week arts projects for people with dementia and their carers delivered in a community setting, such as Music for Thought with student musicians from Royal Academy of Music, and Opera for Thought with Opera Holland Park. All include workshops with professionals and group visits to concerts or performances.
**Referrals made via SystmOne MCMW**


Delivered by: Resonate Arts (Westminster Arts)
Where we work: Queen’s Park & Paddington, Kensington & Chelsea

Service Activities:
A mindfulness group for older people that gives service users the tools to re-connect with the present moment, and be more in control of their health and well-being.

Tel: 07443 647222

Delivered by: K&C Forum for Older Residents
Where we work: Queen’s Park & Paddington, Kensington & Chelsea

Seated Massage
Service Activities:
Centre based (at SMART and ADKC) massage sessions and a limited number of home based sessions. Options will include seated massage, Indian Head massage, reflexology, or Reiki. By appointment on The 4th Thursday of the month, 1-5pm at SMART AND the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:15-5:15pm at ADKC.

Tel: 020 7376 4668

Delivered by: SMART
Where we work: Queen’s Park & Paddington, Kensington & Chelsea

The Pepperpot Centre Activities
Service Activities:
We provide facilities for social welfare, recreation and healthy ageing with the object of improving the conditions of life and relieving the needs of older people aged 50 and over, particularly those of African and Caribbean origin living in the borough of K&C and the surrounding boroughs, as well as to offer care and assistance to those suffering from physical and mental disabilities.

We offer free transport to our Day care members, some of whom cannot use other means of travel. We get referrals from social services, G.P’s and places of worship.

Tel: 020 8968 6940

Delivered by: Pepper Pot Centre
Where we work: Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham

Service Activities:
A variety of therapies including Acupressure, Aromatherapy , Osteopathy , Reflexology , Reiki , Shiatsu , Meditation , relaxation therapy, sleep workshops etc

W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4141

Delivered by: Open Age
Where we work: Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster, Hammersmith & Fulham